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August 19, 2007



Love the new Banner! It looks great in b&W.


There's my handsome guy! Ty and I had a conversation last week in which he told me it was more important to be pretty on the inside than on the outside.....He also said that girls don't even need makeup that he thinks they look better without it! Pretty deep thoughts for a 10 year old! He is so kind and thoughtful. Lyndsay and Jason are doing an awesome job raising my grandchildren!!


I love it! He is quite the handsome boy, and how sweet is the comment GeeGee left?

Kim Harms

Love the new banner, looks great!!!

Heather T.

I love the new banner too Lynds! Good job!


What a handsome young man he's growing into - must make his mommy very proud!


Your son is such a handsome young man!


Love the new banner! Judging by what Gee Gee said, he's an AMAZING 10 year old!




A follow-up to the "thoughtful" comments of my grandson...... Ty and I went to pick up dinner for everyone and before I got out of the car I looked in the mirror to put on lipstick. Ty says, "you don't need makeup, Gee Gee" ........looooooooong pause......"you just need to get rid of your wrinkles!!!"

Thanks, Ty!


I LOVE your new banner! He is so great in front of the camera (and behind it, too). Just a newbie to the biz here, and an admirer of your work. It is amazing, and your kids are too cute! Oh, and best of luck with your pending move, and congrats on selling the house, too.

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Contact Information

Who am I?

  • Hi, I'm Lyndsay Stradtner, wife to my cute husband and best friend, Jason. Mom to Ty, age 10, Taryn, age 2 and Teagan, he's brand new! Follow along as we rebuild our lives after Hurricane Katrina, relocate our family and photography business to Austin, Texas, raise our children, love each other as much as possible and revel in the chaos!

In my camera bag

  • Canon 5D
    50 mm 1.2 USM L
    24-70 mm 2.8 USM L
    100 mm 2.8 Macro
    Speedlight - 430EX

    Nikon D50
    50 mm 1.8

    And I'm a Mac girl =)

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